MAN TGM 26.340

The current price is 53900 Euro.

The detailed specification of MAN TGM 26.340 Tipper is provided below.

Look at the technical data of the unit.

The production year is 2012.

Gross Vehicle Weight: 13000 kg.

Engine/driveline: diesel, displacement: 6871 cc, 335 hp, gearbox: automatic, retarder/intarder.

Wheel formula and suspension type: 6x4, 3-axle, ABS, tires: 315/80R22,5, trailer coupling.

Cab comforts include power windows, air conditioner, cruise control, power steering.

The payload is 13000 kg.

Exterior measurements: length – 4950, width – 2350, height – 850.

Mileage: 217000 km.

The unit’s location is in Budapest, Hungary.

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Laslo Truck

Hungary, Central Hungary, 1186. Budapest , Zádor utca 2.